Welcome Letters 2013

Dear exhibitors, visitors of the exhibitions!

On behalf of the Meat and Dairy Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan let me welcome all the exhibitors and visitors to the 16th Central-Asian International Food Industry Exhibition - WorldFood Kazakhstan and the 8th Central Asian International Agriculture Exhibition - AgroWorld Kazakhstan!

The main task of our work is self-production of quality agriculture products, raw materials and food in the country. This is especially true for such essential products as meat and milk. The priority development of the livestock sector ensures import substation of food, creates environment for dominance of national producers in the food market of Kazakhstan.

Over these years the exhibitions developed a reputation of a real business forum. Its participants always show the new effective business solutions, thereby determining the direction for development of agriculture for in the coming year.

We are glad to note, the WorldFood and AgroWorld Kazakhstan are the main events in the industry, with a growing list of participants and expanding geography.

The Meat and Dairy Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan supports exhibitions AgroWorld and WorldFood Kazakhstan 2013 and hopes, that these professional events will be held at high level.

Ivan Sauer,
Head of the Meat and Dairy Union


Dear exhibitors, guests and organizers!

On behalf of the President of the Union of Bird Fanciers I welcome the exhibitors and guests of the International exhibitions WorldFood and AgroWorld Kazakhstan, which are traditionally held in Almaty in autumn.

These exhibitions over the years of its existence have proved a great interests of world manufacturers to the food industry and agriculture of Kazakhstan.

Every year AgroWorld exhibition involves about 40 companies in the poultry industry – from suppliers of equipment and veterinary products to sorting of eggs and packing of poultry. We are glad to note, that the objectives of the exhibition and those of the Union of Bird Fanciers coincide to contribute to the development of Kazakhstan’s poultry farms, to inform professionals about the latest scientific developments, the world’s leading technologies, to acquaint customers with quality and useful products.

The testing competition, held during the WorldFood exhibition, is a serious test for new products. Each year industry experts estimate about 130 kinds of products from 70 manufacturers.

The Union of Bird Fanciers of Kazakhstan supports the efforts of domestic producers to make our products competitive, as well as to contribute to the development of the agri-food market of the country.

I wish all the participants of this professional forum effective communication, useful contacts and contracts!


President of the Union of Bird Fanciers
R. I. Sharipov


Dear guests, organizers and exhibitors!

On behalf of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan I welcome all exhibitors and visitors of all three exhibitions:

The WorldFood Kazakhstan's prestige is annually proved by broad geography of its participants, reach range of last achievements in the food industry, which positively impacts its further development. During the WorldFood Kazakhstan exhibition, during communication with the representatives of the exhibitors, during exchange of opinions and discussions on the stands, each specialist has an opportunity to assess and learn about new developments and technologies, adopt the best practices.

The AgroWorld Kazakhstan exhibition proved itself to be one of the important and significant events in the Central Asian region. The prestige of this exhibition is annually proved by broad geography of its participants, reach range of last achievements in agriculture, which positively impacts its further development. Such exhibitions give its participants a unique opportunity to showcase their products in the market of Kazakhstan, find business partners, discuss topical issues related to the future of the agriculture.

The modern packaging is not only part of the product, but also an independent product, playing significant role in economy, which will be showcased and proved by the participants of KazUpack 2013.

We are very pleased with the massive presence of Russian companies, which is proof of their success in this market.

I am confident, that novelties and best practices of the exhibitions 2013 will not remain unclaimed by the specialists of the industry.

I wish all the exhibitors, visitors and colleagues successful work, new solutions and achievements, development of cooperation.

Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in
the Republic of Kazakhstan
Alexandr Yakovlev


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of the JSC "National Operating Holding "Kazagro" I welcome exhibitors, visitors and organizers to the International Agriculture Exhibition  - AgroWorld Kazakhstan and Food Industry Exhibition - WorldFood Kazakhstan.

The main section of the AgroWorld Exhibition is a livestock sector. I think it is important, that the theme of the event coincides with one of the focal areas for the development of the agricultural complex of the country. I am confident, that best and new technologies, vaccines and feeds showcased at the exhibition, will find their use in domestic production, promote herd expansion and growth of export potential of agro-industry.

WorldFood Kazakhstan, as an integral part of value added cost production in agro-industry, will showcase to the customers the ingredients, processing equipment, sorting and packing equipment for end products.

Therefore, the specialists are able to see the full production cycle suppliers, starting from the animal genetics to the supply of end products to the customers, which, of course, saves time of entrepreneurs and allows efficient business arrangement at all its stages.

I congratulate the organizers and exhibitors on the opening of the exhibition, I wish fruitful meetings and success in implementation of plans!

Chairman of the Board of the
JSC "National Operating Holding "KazAgro"
D. Aitzhanov                                                                        


Dear exhibitors, guests and organizers!

I am glad to welcome you!

Once again Almaty hosts the 16th Foor Industry Exhibition «WorldFood Kazakhstan» and 8th Agriculture Exhibition «AgroWorldKazakhstan».

Stability is a sign of being in demand. I am glad to see growing and developing exhibitions, attracting new participants. This is a place, where we can establish partnership between the producers and suppliers of agricultural equipment, processing equipment and end products.

The exhibitions are mirrors of state of the market, and in sustainable development of WorldFood and AgroWorld we see stability of food industry and agricultural sector in Kazakhstan.

Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan wishes all participants constructive dialogue and fruitful work.

Best regards,

RPA “Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan”                                   
